By Joan Johnson The color wheel, based on the three primary colors of red, yellow, and blue, is a gardener’s best friend when planning a garden. When two of the primary colors are combined, they create a secondary color. A full color wheel resembles a rainbow, with red, orange and yellow, called warm colors. Green, blue and violet are known as the cool colors. Green is a neutral color, making foliage a wonderful base for any color flower. Although foliage is usually green, it can also be yellow, red, blue, silver and more. Bark, buds, and fruit also contribute color and visual texture. Carry your color wheel with you when touring different gardens, so you can admire and understand the different color schemes. At the nursery, set pots of flowers together using the colors you like. Plant shrubs and trees in the garden to draw the eye up and back from the front of the garden. A monochromatic garden, (using one color), is an easy way to start. Use many different shades of one...