By Bonnie McNamee As fall approaches and temperatures cool down what a nice time to be out in the garden. The trees are beginning to change color and while our gardens may not be at their peak as in July, there are many ways to boost and extend great fall color. Annuals such as geraniums, begonias, salvias, lantana and others will stay beautiful through the fall until frost. Some annuals including geraniums, celosia and dianthus transplant very well from the ground to pots. Placed on your covered porch or deck, these potted plants can be protected from early frost conditions and extend color into late fall. Ornamental kale ( Brassica oleracae ) is grown for its colorful foliage and as temperatures cool down, the color intensifies. These showy plants take center stage in the garden and will tolerate light frost with ease. The leaves are frilly and when planted alongside potted mums offer eye catching color and texture. ...